Hi Everyone.
It's been a while since I've been blogging and you deserve to know what's been going on. In November I had surgery to reduce the pressure on my spinal cord in my neck. The discs had all failed and were causing spinal stenosis. The surgery performed fused C2 through C6 and the recovery forced us to shut the shop down. In order to get by we sold our flat bed truck and leaned heavily on providing training classes.
One of the other things that I have started doing is a lot more of the mobile diagnostics. Between already having all of the tools that were required and the fact that a lot of the physical side of the job has become much more challenging for me it just made sense. While its taking a lot longer for that to grow than I would prefer it has been a good experience. Meanwhile things are shaping up at home. Instead of working one hundred hour weeks, which is known as living to work, there has been a lot more time to be in the house and attend to its needs and I find myself working just enough to live. Well, almost anyway. Things have to pick up a bit as money is getting a little too tight on occasion but considering what we have gone through it could be worse. I'll be investigating some other avenues and hopefully the writing that I have been doing for free up to this time will start to generate some return.
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