Saturday, November 23, 2013

Just good people who do a difficult job

A couple years ago NBC news, Jeff Rossen, did a "sting" on auto repair shops using a defective AC relay. Like most of those attempts they found some things that really are bad about the repair trade. The caught some dishonest people and most techs want nothing more than to have people like that out of our trade. At the same time they also found things that are actually bad that they praised!. In the end they really only succeeded in exposing some people who were giving all shops and techs a bad name, but did nothing about the underlying causes for the behavior.

I've made it a point to be a thorn in the side of one of the groups that participated in that sting. They are portrayed as experts and sat in judgment of shops and techs and routinely were giving advice to consumers that was flat out wrong. I always made it clear why I was there, but the individuals who were involved in the sting refused to subject themselves directly to my scrutiny. That was a wise move on their part, they really didn't have anything to gain,  and besides they didn't have the expertise at auto repair that they claimed and I would have made that very evident.

Well this week Jeff Rossen came out with this "sting". It speaks for itself and while not perfect its good enough and for my part I'll steal a line from Harry Potter. Mischief Managed. Maybe the pressure that I brought had something to do with this, maybe it didn't. But it's about time the public gets to see real techs doing what they do everyday, and that's their best to try and take care of their customers.

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